Monday 28 April 2014

Oliver's Mount

Today I explored Oliver’s Mount; as well as being a war memorial which offers fantastic views of the town; it’s also a natural road racetrack. At the summit sits a café and a free place to park your car, and a wall to perch on with a viewpoint of what you can see. Directly in front of you is Scarborough Castle and the harbour and a beautiful view of the headland. You can also see the terraced hotels of the traditional seaside town and the overspill of a growing resort just love how the Victorian houses and the church stand out on the cliff tops.  I’m half surprised that there’s no police look-out here; but then again half the town’s activity is masked by buildings and it’s very hard to see what’s going down below. You’re better off with the satellites and security cameras. Oliver’s Mount is also a local lover’s lane, though luckily not at this time of year!

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