Wednesday 16 April 2014

Simple Service

One of the things I now do for our beer club is to help judge pubs. We judge the quality of the beer, the welcome and service, value for money, their sympathy to our club aims and their focus on the community. Last week I visited The Punchbowl in Warwick. Upon arrival, I found a car park that would only cost 50p and was a stones throw away from the pub but I did not have a single coin on me. After deciding whether to abandon the car for a few minutes to seek change, I eventually managed to park in the pub's ill designed car park. It could host a total of five cars with no lines and in close proximity to the picnic benches while also within each other. I entered just behind a couple who seemed to take ages at the bar to decide on their drinks and had to order food too. The strange thing was that the barmaid  had decided that we were all together, and left us to wash glasses while the couple were deciding on their food. A very odd assumption considering I hadn't been offered or even consulted on a drink while the other assumed members of my party were sampling away. A simple assumption of simple service will result in a simple score; as the pub's atmosphere was dead and the barmaid  had no attempt in conversation; her primary purpose being to collect up those glasses. Perhaps she thought a fight was imminent in this aptly named pub. 

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