Saturday 26 April 2014

Terror Towers

Yesterday we found a great building on the promenade; it was an old building that had been converted into a walk-through horror funhouse. There were some great horror movie sets with lots of strobe lights and eerie music. Within each room you had to wait for the door light to go green before you could go through it. We had dodgy shower scenes with blood written on the walls; lots of moving puppets and lots of stairs with twists on every corridor. There was a great scene where we waited in a room with some bushes, then a flash of light and we get attacked by velociraptors. Then there's a huge bang as a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex descends upon us. There were aliens and predators; unfortunately the aliens were still in their egg form. We had a great scene from blade when bodies started to move across a belt and we dodge through them to get to the next room. And there was a freaky electric chair scene with a Terminator standing by; which I just couldn't figure out. But Terror Towers is definitely worth a visit. 

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