Friday 4 April 2014

Build the best team

Yesterday I met my new team that I’ll be working with over the next six months. They’re a quiet bunch but it seems that they’ve experienced a lot of changes within the store and that their energy is at an all-time low. We had a lot of flipchart discussions to lay down some new team rules to help support each other. We did some team building activities like building a safety device for an egg to stop it from smashing when it hits the floor. We did some charades to get people to relax and do things that they wouldn’t normally do. And I met my new boss’s four year old mentor. There’s nothing like a four year old to tell you to smile to get you going. But if there’s one thing that I need to do is to be the best that I can be. Push myself further. Be braver and bolder and head into the unknown.

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