Friday 18 April 2014

Planning Fail

I was really hoping to write about the Royal Oak in Kenilworth last night. I had a tiny bit of energy left in me that would just about get me to the pub for a judge’s visit before heading back home. Unfortunately, I had no money with me as I’d left all my belongings in my swimming bag; which I’d only discovered as I needed to visit the cash point before setting off. So instead I went home early, attempted to catch up on everything but ended up just falling asleep in front of the telly. I suppose I’d been a bit tired out by playing with my niece after coming back from swimming too. She’s got into the habit of saying ‘no Paul’ to everything she does. But she does enjoy being thrown around and held a lot. Still, it’s bank holiday weekend this weekend, so with a bit of luck and discipline I’ll be able to get a lot more activities planned.

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