Tuesday 1 October 2013

Drone of the Drunks

I quite enjoy the late night visits to the Rising Sun. It's late; the party people have gone elsewhere; leaving only the diehard drinkers who are quite happy to chat to you at the bar; whatever state they're in. On Saturday I had an excellent chat with someone about old nightlife venues in Redditch. Then last night it was a case of 'Spot the Drunk'; and try to convince them what needs putting right in the world. It started off quietly as his greasy head of mod black and grey hair was slouched down facing a lonesome table. Then my friend decides to stir him up and wake him. We had a great discussion on what he does compares to everyone else; and how he should move forward to get a promotion. We then talked about his daughter and how she's been mistreated while she runs around and needs to be sorted out. All while we're slurring away into a glass of ale. 

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