Friday 25 October 2013

A headache of Headhunting

I've been head-hunted! I've taken a call from an old friend working in another shop to let me know there’s a possible chance for promotion in another store. So yesterday I discussed this with my manager; which puts the team in an awkward position as we’re already losing a strong team member next week owing to his advancement. There are two other team members who are also advancing up in cascade; and the team needs me to help keep the meter running. So as we approach our busiest time and the boss plays away, I’m worried as to where’s my chance to step up into the limelight to advance my career. Where’s my chance to progress and develop and try out new things? I'm just a bit tired of being left behind in this company and to clean up other people’s mess, while they step up to shine and take all the credit. 

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