Tuesday 22 October 2013

Waste is every little

Tesco's supermarket has been heavily criticised by the green brigade for throwing over two thirds of its fresh food away. Yesterday they announced that over 30,000 tonnes of food were thrown away. Surely by now you'd thought that by now their supply managers would be able to get the supply and demand balance right; selling just the right kind of quantity without risking the freshness of the product. Yesterday they announced that over 30,000 tonnes of food were thrown away. And yet this morning I'm treated to a documentary on how to manage your kitchen. Do they think we're that stupid? Good grief. What the supermarkets need to do is to buy less and offer reduced prices to the main stock when it goes past its prime; and let the public know when the freshest ingredients are available; giving them a choice. Just like a new car, everything depreciates on value over time; and this is something that these grocers desperately need to manage. Quality is value; use it to your advantage. 

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