Sunday 20 October 2013

An Education in Intoxication

Yesterday was my first trip to Oxford. I’d been before; but this was the first time in the actual city. And a very busy city it is too. There were pedestrians everywhere; and the high street was absolutely rammed. Even the buses had trouble getting through their lanes. We were there to visit the beer festival and sample a couple of hostelries afterwards. And so, it seemed, a lot of students were doing the same thing.  The Gownies were out in force visiting the pubs as part of their initiation week. The classic pubs that were in the heart of the college district were packed out with students. After the Turf’s Tavern we visited the White Horse; where a group of Morris men arrived to entertain us. I only stayed to watch the first dance; as the music was very familiar and wanted to get on with exploring. So onwards to the Eagle & Sun, where, as we neared, a whole crowd arrived and took over the whole pub just as we approached the doorstep.  To make things easier; we decided to venture out to the Lamb and Flag, where it was much less crowded; and gave us enough time to visit more pubs.

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