Friday 18 October 2013

Heat or Eat? Let's work together on this.

This morning’s news featured a ‘heat or eat’ campaign; focusing on the hardships that older people face thins winter. Now I'm no economics expert; but when you hear that something like this happens; you know that something’s gone terribly wrong with life choices. There’s not been any opportunity for provision; yet there’s the social aspect too. Older people should not be left socially alone for the state to care for. Friends and family should have a responsibility too. And friends aren't that difficult to make nowadays. Just offering someone a simple cup of tea or talking to someone on a regular basis can have a major difference; and this may lead to invites to social functions or something even more. But if you really are in a heat or eat situation; then please do eat and send for help to make yourself more mobile; at least you will find some warm spaces out there. 

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