Thursday 3 October 2013

Colour me Apple

So last night I finally made the switch to the all new iOS7. The first change that I saw was the immediate increase in disk space; and that the feature to block timewasting contacts would be very useful too. However, the good things stopped around there. While the new system is indeed more colourful; the whole appearance seems slightly cheaper and less graphic. The first thing I had to do was to turn off the passcode feature which was quite annoying and troublesome to do so. If I have to put in a code every time I want to use my phone; it’s just keeping me away from my information for longer. After all, it’s only me that uses my phone; and I can block it and trace it completely if it’s stolen. Meanwhile, while the wifi button was more prominent on the homepage; it’s a shame that they haven’t done the same with the 3G button too. So hopefully Apple will realise their mistake quite quickly and get back to the proper designers that they are. Otherwise; it’s time to switch.

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