Saturday 19 October 2013

What are our Saturday shows teaching us?

I've been watching the Saturday morning cartoons this morning and it seems that the latest cartoons are lacking somewhat of a plot line. Each storyline seems to show that the main character never gets their way to become an epic hero to win the day. In Horrid Henry, for instance; the last comic is taken from his store by his arch enemy/next door neighbour; and there's no grown-ups to help him. The parents are concerned about  the mess; the helpline calls him stupid for trying; and the final scene shows Henry surrendering in a maids costume by teatime, with no resolution as to how to get his comic back. I  find this slightly alarming; are we teaching our children to give up do easily? That there is no cause worth perusing and we should just give up? Where's the inspiration? Where's the ambition? And, most importantly; what are we teaching these children?

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