Wednesday 2 October 2013

What a write-off

So today's expedition to the gym had to be abandoned. For starters; I couldn't find my membership card; having used it twice last week. Yesterday I managed to get away with using my Dad's for swimming, but needed my own for the gym. So after a big tidy up I still couldn't find it, so decided to just pay for another one. On arrival, I was late so the guy just waved me through. 'Never mind' I thought; I'll just sort it out next week. So I trotted upstairs to the gym only to discover that I've got no water either. After a quick season I decide to just buy a drink and head back to the locker; only to discover that I have no change. And I haven't shaved either. So I decide to write the morning off; abandon all hope and just head back to the ranch. And I don't even get a blink of the eye from the old man. 

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