Saturday 5 October 2013

Foraging in Feckenham

The Foresters Arms in Feckenham is the newest pub in town. It certainly pulls people in as the car park was completely full last night; as well as the free local car park down the road. Despite being half past nine there were still people eating in the restaurant and the bar was quite popular too. The main entrance has been moved to the old fire escape, while the corridor to the restaurant has been blocked off and a wall at the other side of the bar has been knocked through. Fake books adjourn the walls to give a drawing room feeling and the furniture is a mixture of straw chairs for the ladies and bar stools and tables for the gents. The bar has been refurnished completely with glass shelving and there are three ales on handpump. The atmosphere is full of well-to-do diners having post-dinner drinks and the staff are eager to please. 

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