Wednesday 1 January 2014

I'm back baby!

Happy new year! Last night was spent down at the Victoria Works drinking some good beer (though I stayed off the dark ones), and even though I didn’t turn in until around 4am, I still didn’t end up with a hazy head. It was a good time munching though the last of the Christmas cheese, and even though we didn’t see much of the band or discover who actually won the picture quiz, it was still a very entertaining night. We even had some fireworks courtesy of the local social club round the corner; we just needed to gather in the pub’s car park. Today was spent watching classic telly while doing my usual monthly updates; while waiting for my slothy friend to stir out of the guest room. So it’s 2014 and it’s time to get serious. I’ve spend quite a bit of last year lounging around trying to make sense of things happening and generally things haven’t been moving forward. And that needs to change. 

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