Thursday 9 January 2014

The detail is in the devil

So yesterday I spent nine minutes watching an accident investigator discuss as to why Michael Schumacher had an accident on his skis. The equipment had been examined. The footage had been analysed. But as to why we need to have such detail looked at I have no idea. The news channel hung onto every word of what the investigator announced regarding the crash. Flooding stopped. The stock market ceased to a halt. Crime ceased to exist. And all because a famous rich man decided to go off-course (or off-piste if you want to be anal and alienate everyone) and fall over. Sure, I feel for the guy in that he’s hurt himself, but do we really need this level of detail? Can’t we just rule that he’s a clumsy oaf or he had a whoopsie daisy to demonstrate that he’s human like everyone else? Are they concerned that he’s going to wake up and think; ‘I will now sue the French government for allowing that rock to be there’. Perhaps they thought that the Italians might have laid a trip wire for him when he wasn't looking. 

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