Wednesday 8 January 2014

Post Complete! Level Up!

One of the many distractions with computers is that of on-line gaming. Despite my best intentions of getting tasks done, there’s always that Facebook request that needs to be dealt with or that little man that must reach the other side of the screen. And it’s tantalising. You know it’s only a case of pressing the correct combination of keys at the right moment to make him leap that moving obstacle. And you know it’s just a crap unrealistic game that’s got no sense of how this situation would occur in real life and is just going to say well done at the very end of it, without even a secret video to watch. But completing it is a sense of achievement. And that’s what’s missing off real life. You have to give yourself a mental well done once you've finished the washing-up because no-one else is going to do it; they’re just going to moan that it hasn't been done.  Anyway, well done for reading this post.

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