Saturday 18 January 2014

Big Kid

So today I've been told I'm acting like a big kid. And it’s true. I had to go into work early to help get everything for a promotion. We built a gazebo outside the store, and when we’d finished I decided to put balloons outside it. And so as soon as I’d inflatable the balloons and tied them up with string, I skipped outside with them just like a little kid. Then just before lunch I found out that all the annuals were reduced in the sale; so I spent lunch eating Monster Munch and reading the Beano annual. Towards the end of the day I got quite tired; and my colleagues seemed to spot this quite easily. And so right now I'm curled up reading my Beano and wondering if I will ever grow up. Of course I always have the option, but it’s just no fun any more. But then again, no-one wants to come out to play tonight…

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