Sunday 19 January 2014

Time for a re-boot...

Computer trouble strikes this afternoon, as I prepare for an afternoon of getting things done; one of the first things that I do is turn on my password safe. Though lately, the one-click button to get the thing working hasn't been working lately. I then have to go into the virus programme and launch it separately, then close the virus programme. Today however sees the virus program icon loading but no menu screen. A right-click achieves nothing, neither does loading the programme from the start menu. I then start goggling for help, but rather than getting a support page from the company; I'm re-directed to a community page where everyone has had the same problem two years ago. I then re-start the programme and it works fine. As I'm typing this it suddenly occurs to me that all my problems could be solved by re-installing the safe on my browser. Here’s to hoping…

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