Monday 20 January 2014


A storm is coming. The traditional men with sticks are about to face the women with pebbles. The traditional Morris Ring have danced while crossing wood in time to their harmonious folk music. And now, as the Morris Men grow old and seek new blood; their counterparts have formed the Morris Federation.  Womenfolk don’t necessarily throw stones but want to be part of the traditional movement; and have formed their own society. And so, now that Morris men are no longer hard core traditional dancers but old men dancing in gaiety, they’re dying out. And the Morris federation wants to give them a run for their money. Is it time that the traditional dancers lowered their sticks? Should traditional values be lowered so that the existence can continue? It’s the epic battle of survival of man versus woman. Stone will beat stick. And of course, hankies will most certainly be waved. 

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