Friday 10 January 2014

A repetitive task

There is a task that I do every day to try and tidy myself up. A task that, if I don’t complete it, I'm bound to suffer for it the day after. A task that I fail to get right every single day, no matter how hard I try. It’s trimming the hedge. It’s mowing the lawn. Off my face. Every. Single. Day. And it has to be done by hand. I've tried the good old electric razor but I might as well rub sandpaper all over my face. Nothing gets the job done like the good old blade and foam. But relying on other methods just won’t work. They’re expensive and you've got to find them or at least work out when they’re available. So in the end you just have to do it yourself. But how long can you keep doing it? How long can you keep going before you have to seek out that extra bit of help?

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