Tuesday 14 January 2014

It's hard to share on-line...

I've been trying to put a new e-book onto my phone this week to continue The Big Read. A while ago, a friend gave me a flash drive full of e-books, and because I've misplaced my list of books to read, I decided to pick out Winnie the Pooh because it was nice and short. I really wanted to read the new Bridget Jones novel; but no-one bought it me for Christmas because I was still reading Dan Brown’s Inferno, which I was quite enjoying until it was pointed out that it’s a cheap way to write about architecture. But because Stanza no longer exists for iOS and iOS and Kobo won’t share the file, I have no choice but to read Jane Austen’s tale of Pride and Prejudice. And so the art of sharing is hard to do in the digital world, so you really do have to smash and grab what you can.

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