Sunday 12 January 2014

Sleuthing Around

So after an evening of watching a detective series; I decided to do a little sleuthing of my own. Upon my journey back from the pub last night I noticed a burning smell coming from the back alley of my neighbouring houses. Now, my neighbourhood is quite nice but the homes based on the main road tend to belong to another type of class. And the mystery grows even more with the allotment opposite. Having had a good sniff around, the smell didn't come from the allotments which could not be good in terms of house safety. Once I had sourced the area of the smell; I then had to investigate the house; as all I could see from a distance was a flame in a window. A quick dash round to the front of the house proved that there was only a light on and a window open; so there was no evidence of anyone monitoring the situation. My only course of action was therefore to pop back round to the back and try the handle of the gate. Amazingly, it was unlocked; and the source of the burning turned out to be a dying chimera. But it’s actually amazing how many of my neighbours actually relax their access to their backyards.

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