Monday 30 September 2013

L'eau de me

I often wonder what’s the right amount of human odour. Obviously I get my daily dose of deodorant; but there’s often an after smell depending on what I'm doing. If I'm straight out of the shower from the gym; I get a lovely sweat mustiness rubbed into me for the day. Some odd lavatorial habits can also leave me prone to a smell which is sweated out slowly through my skin.  I sometimes wonder if it’s a smell that I can smell and others can’t, which sometimes makes me a bit paranoid and embarrassed as to what is the cause, and it can often undermine my confidence sometimes too. Am I truly getting away with it? Maybe I've got a heightened sense of smell anyway. It’s not something that you can politely ask; so it really is difficult to tell. Of course the trick is to be prepared at all times but sometimes it’s just not possible when you’re in a rush. 

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