Sunday 8 September 2013

A work nite

So last night I was invited to a wedding reception at the Abbey Hotel, a posh venue complete with golf course; and of course no real ale. My first choice was Moorland's Old Speckled Hen; a strong beer in a bottle; but at £4.20 and that was just for a stick (two thirds). Having asked for a glass; I was given a half glass which I was asked to change (otherwise I wouldn't have any hands free for the doors!). She said so but explained it would be foamy; I explained it would settle. My next tipple was Tetley's Huntsman's Ale which was the same price but at least I got a full pint of it. This time the barmaid said; “It’s Ale, you know". Yes, but not as we would like it. Meanwhile my colleague's husband was getting sloshed on crappy lager and asking if the dismissal of  his son was fair. Yes it was, you thieving shit.

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