Friday 6 September 2013

Gaga for Fashion

I  saw a picture of Lady Gaga the other day in her latest dress. It was pure white, plastic and the article mentioned what a trendsetter for fashion this woman has. Personally, I think she looked like she was carting a giant toilet roll on her back. I see these models wearing these enormous dresses and I think; how practical is this? How would the modern person wear this dress in an everyday situation? You would not fit onto a commuter train without a considerable amount of crush. You would not be able to sit down at your desk. You would have to spend a considerable amount of time taking your tres chic outfit off and on again should you wish to visit the bathroom. If you are making a statement to make us aware of something then that is fair enough; but no-one is going to rush out to Debenhams to buy  your dress for evening wear. And that is because the modern world has more sense. 

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