Thursday 19 September 2013

What's the Buzz?

There's been a lot of chatter about the humble bumble bee lately. Apparently numbers are dwindling and we have had to ask a woman to drive to Sweden in her camper van to bring back one hundred bees in a refrigerator. There's even been a film which has been allowed to be confused with a children's animation. So how has this been allowed to happen? We've had the same winter as  ever. There's been no pollen shortage as I've been sneezing away throughout July. There has been an excellent source of pollen in our garden. The only thing that I can think of is obese children mistaking them for wasps and splatting them for their honey rather than leaving them alone to get on with making some.  Now scientists want to study them to apply their flight patterns to modern aircraft during wet weather (the bees, not the obese children) if they can find and defrost them...

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