Wednesday 18 September 2013

Has anyone asked Us?

 So the Scots are having a debate as to whether or not they should go solo and become their own country. Lots of people are being asked if they should back the pound or lose the Westminster ties and be allowed to make their own laws. No doubt in two years they'll have their own nuclear programme and will seek revenge in a William Wallace-esque missile. Personally I can't wait to lose our northern cousins; and put up a barrier keeping them out of our fair land. We can barely understand them; and half of them seem to be stuck on a train smelling of booze and seeking shelter in our warmer climate anyway. So the question is; what do we get out of Scotland? Do we lose anything valuable other than haggis; Tennants and the Loch Ness Monster? Or we will be welcome as foreigners just like everywhere else in the world? And do we get a say in casting off our Bravehearts?

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