Sunday 1 September 2013

Strip the Strip

As part of my subscription to a beer club, I receive an independent newspaper every month detailing the club’s activities. At the end of each issue is a short comic strip depicting the typical pub-goer and the antics that he gets up to. There has been some continuous debate about the persistence of the strip; and I have always argued that it is drawn up by a volunteer in good spirits. Lately though, I have to agree with the latter crowd in that the strip has become updated. This month’s adventure features a man walking into a lamppost; while previously he argues that pies aren't up to traditional logistics. Quite often, the plot is confused and the message is lost; and the whole cartoon depicts a man who is the fool that is stuck in his ways and refuses to embrace change. It would be fantastic if the writer would focus on more modern day issues rather than how things were in the seventies.   

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