Tuesday 3 September 2013

Time for me!

I've quite enjoyed this year's birthday and was able to take time to celebrate. The morning started with a swim to burn off the previous day's Chinese, followed by a normal breakfast. Then I had a few hours to myself to get some campaigns organised in response to other people's requests. A short walk followed in a quest to the Beefeater; and although there was no real ale available (and some beardy weirdie was actually present to point it out to me!), I quite enjoyed my Swedish pear flavoured cider and ginger pork washed down by sticky toffee pudding. A short walk back towards town allowed me to jump on a train to Brum and catch up on some reading along the way. Once I'd arrived and explored the new station, I decided to venture into TK Max for a pair of jeans, and after close scrutiny; I actually found two! My next task was shoes; and after searching the big department stores I had found some I liked in the big discount stores; but; after battling with teenage shop workers and foreign families to get some service; they just weren't in my size. So my final task was to kill some time before a meeting by visiting some pubs to get some Cask Marque scans; I'm happy to report that I'm now over the 50 mark and hopefully a polo shirt will be finding its way to me soon. 

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