Monday 23 September 2013

Crawling around Clent

I really enjoyed my RambAle yesterday. Despite attempts to hijack and re-route the walk to make it even longer; it really did turn out to be a successful day. The sun was shining as we left the Lyttleton Arms; and people thought that I had access to a big red phone upstairs or that I was the Sun God of Ra! So after our first two pubs we reached the hills; and after a hefty climb to the top; the views were absolutely stunning. We could see from miles around; from Halesowen to Birmingham and towards the mighty Malvern Hills too. Then after visiting the Stones we decided to descend down to the pub… along with everyone else it seemed. We had quite a wait before our whole party was fed; which was a real shame. But at least we had another three venues to visit after that to scout out some excellent beer. So after putting our much lighter wallets back into our pockets; we ascended Nag’s Hill for one last look at the Malverns. Then it was back to a pub crawl; albeit with a bit of walking between each one. You can see a full map of our walk on this web address (it’s a very impressive shape!):

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