Thursday 26 September 2013

Piecing the Pillars together

I've finally finished reading Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth. It’s a fascinating novel of parish life in England throughout the exile of Thomas St. Beckett. Although there are trials and tribulations of the small folk over their ruling counterparts; the story shows that everyone is answerable to someone; whoever it may be. There are gaps in the history of the characters which are sometimes hastily filled in; while at other times there is more detail than necessary; especially when it comes down to describing craftsmanship in the middle ages. But the plot is very well thought out, and for me it conjures up a modern day piper who seeks out justice for those who don’t pay their way in society and avenges the wrongdoing decisions of those in power. And the biggest surprise at the end for me was that it counts towards my BBC’s Big Read reading list too!

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