Tuesday 10 September 2013

They don't make them like they used to

It's a shame when your favourite gadget stops working. You've been saving up for ages to get this great bargain and when it finally goes kaput; all you can do is to seek out another one. And that's even harder. Because; after being reassured that these will always be available; new stock comes in which does the job far more efficiently but costs that little bit extra and won't be compatible with your old one.  But most importantly; they don't make them any more. Sometimes you might be lucky and manage to get hold of one from somewhere; whether it's a mate or a website or from a different shop. But most of the time you're just forced to form out for a new one. You see, it's cheaper to replace stuff rather than to fork out for labour costs in repairs. It just goes to show what a disposal world we live in. 

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