Friday 28 June 2013

Taking out the trash...

Bit annoyed with the councils this week. It seems there’s a plot to keep us all knee-deep in rubbish. First of all, they’ve changed the bin collection day. It was that big a change in our lives that we even had e-mails sent out asking us if the draft for the letter was OK. And when the big day arrived, we were told that our day would stay the same, but we would expect an earlier collection. So on Wednesday night I remembered and put the bin out on the pavement ready to go. Then on Thursday morning I heard a rumbling and realised that the early bird does indeed catch the worm. But on my way to work; I went to collect said bin only to find it not empty. So I carry on with my normal activities; only to return to find that the bins had still not been emptied. Then this morning I hear another rumbling only to spot a refuse vehicle driving past our house. Clearly there has been a momentous cock-up…  

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