Tuesday 25 June 2013

How hard can it be?

This morning I came back from swimming and decided to save the environment by not washing my swimwear. After all, I’ve only worn it once and a quick dry outside on a lovely sunny day would surely render it ready for service again. So I decided to set up the washing line. Not a gigantic task, but for me I was also knocked unconscious by the steel. Why does the hook not fit onto the axel? With one shake, the whole thing came sliding towards me. Luckily my Jedi reflexes kicked in and I caught the pole in the nick of time. After a speedy recovery, my next task was to hang the towel on the line. A simple large wet household towel. As soon as I let go of the towel, the whole line collapsed. The end of the line just came loose and suddenly the end was there with nothing to tie it to. Honestly, how hard can it be? I’ve now got the stopwatch set to see how long the dam laundry will actually stay on the line…

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