Wednesday 12 June 2013


I have a little confession to make. I did something absolutely mad today, right after the gym. Once I arrived at work, I put my bag down, put the kettle on, and started to sort my things out for the day. I opened my rucksack and brought out a left shoe. A little more rummaging and a right shoe was also obtained. But alas; the shoes did not match! With my work shift imminent, I had no choice but to wear the odd shoes for the day. I smirked as I wondered how long it would be before someone spotted my oddity; after all it’s usually noted right away when I wear trainers instead of shoes. But disappointingly, no-one did. Not one comment about my odd pair. And as the joke wore off for the day, my feet began to ache and ache and ache… It felt so good when I could finally change back into trainers at the end of the day…

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