Thursday 6 June 2013

Here's to Harvington...

I quite enjoy looking at grand old buildings, and on a hike I recently visited Harvington Hall. It’s a lovely old building on the outskirts of Kidderminster, with a moat surrounding the hall with a disguised stone bridge. If you like watching ducks and geese, it’s a great place to visit in the Spring to see the hatchlings. The caretaker has gone to great lengths to keep the gardens in shape, though the triangular trees surrounding the footpath look artificial. It must be ripe with historical drawing rooms and secret tunnels inside; possibly leading to the outside quarry where the bricks must have came from. There is also a small church (St. Mary’s) and farm within the grounds. The farm is a bit unfortunate as it blocks the most direct public footpath and walkers have to walk around it to visit the hall. The hall is open to the public but the hours are limited. 

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