Thursday 20 June 2013

The Meeting

Tonight was the meeting. The final meeting before the event. We’ve been meeting monthly since March to plan this thing and this was to be the last meeting before we were ready. And still people weren’t ready. Round and round the circles went. How come we’re doing this? We clarified this last time.  This was what we decided. We made a record of it. I didn’t receive that. But I sent it a month ago…So why are you bringing it up again? There is no pint in making a record of the meeting if you are just going to ignore it. And even in the final round-up, we still manage to stumble upon something that we discussed earlier in the same hour. It’s like having to re-assure each individual rather than to agree on what was generally decided. How we’ll get round to setting everything up with everyone in place will be a total mystery. Geronimo! 

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