Saturday 8 June 2013

Ask and you shall receive...

I had another strange dream last night which I vaguely remember the ending. So I was having an argument with someone about how something should be done and as I was a superior; I denied the request. I can only think that I was a monk as I was wearing a white dressing gown – perhaps because I’ve been reading the Pillars of the Earth lately. Anyway, my inferior was unhappy with my decision and decided to take it to the next level. He draws back a golden door to reveal a bed, then jumps onto the bed and jumps up onto another bed where God is sleeping. I then think of this as ringing heaven’s doorbell and decide that this must be blasphemy as I’m not sure that’s how it works. But our monk then wakes God up and at least gets an answer; whether it’s the right one I don’t know. So this surely means that if you don’t ask; you’ll never know, but if you do ask then at least you’ll get a response. But in terms of speaking to the Almighty, hmm….reflection?

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