Friday 14 June 2013

The Waffler

Sometimes all you want to do is sit down and relax. But then you meet the Waffler. As soon as you see him, you just know he’s just going to talk your bollocks off. You know that half the time he’s just being polite because he’s on his own and he’s trying to entertain you. But the stream of talking just won’t stop. There’s an endless stream of where he’s been; what he’s got  at home and that you should arrange a time where he can show you the proof. And as much as you think of trying to get away without rudely interrupting or being impolite; he’s always ready to waffle on with another topic. Oh, I remember that, it was wotisname. You’re stuck. There is absolutely no way out until he is ready to let you go. Your only hope is that someone else rescues you; or you skilfully manage to pass him onto someone else before sneaking away.

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