Tuesday 11 June 2013

The experts

A lot of time in life you have to turn to other people for advice on something that you’ve got absolutely no idea about. Whether it’s a plumber, a doctor, or a mechanic; there’s always someone on hand to help you through for the right price. But can you trust them? Are they giving you the real deal? Or are they emptying your pockets in exchange for your opinion? It can be a bit daunting to discover that they’ve had your car for six hours only to take a look at it and change a light bulb and that the rest of the work won’t be finished the same day. But at the same time, if you decide to stand up to these people; how do you know that they’ve done the job well? It would be great if we can each find a friend or relative that knows something in each field, but unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. 

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