Monday 17 June 2013

Stopped by the weather...

So with all the flash flood weather we’ve been having, I’m suddenly realising how much our lives depend on the weather. Sure, with more and more people living inside their pods nowadays, you’d think that we’re not that dependant on the weather anymore; but you’d be wrong. It effects how we dress. It effects how we act. And it affects our future plans. And being British, people love to talk about it, as it’s one of the few things that we just cannot control. We talk about the bad weather that we’ve seen; the forecasts we’ve heard and what we were hoping to do today. That we were hoping for some really nice sunshine so you’ve put on this lovely dress and people look at you as if you’re mad as it’s actually blowing a gale. That wearing hoodies in the brightest daylight isn’t going to make you any friends because you sweat like hell. And that walk you’ve planned on doing will just have to wait another day because you’re trapped from going outside.

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