Thursday 20 June 2013

Are you sure you've got this Right, Sir?

So today was another disappointing out of control day. While leaving the M1 my car decided to put up a fight with the gear stick. Although I managed to get the dear old thing up the hill, it still decided to play up and I quickly managed to pull into the hard shoulder. Two attempts later and it wouldn't even shift into gear. So after a brief pause, I did the only thing I could do and rang the man in the van. Amazingly, after 40 minutes the mechanic arrived and the bloody thing started first time. So Patrick the mechanic (my new best friend) is so determined to find the problem that I take a 20 minute drive to get me even further away from my destination. We then decide to fit a new part which, luckily for me, is charged at the stock price as it's been in the van for a while. And all this time I'm thinking; did it really not start in gear? Sigh..

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