Sunday 16 June 2013


What do ducks get up to all day? Sure, there’s the obvious stuff that they need to take care to survive during the day, like feeding and grooming themselves; but other than that it must be a pleasant life to just float down the river all day exploring the estuary. They’re natural hunters; and never need to stock up on food by hiding it in nests. Maybe they secretly carry messages up and down stream; or quack them out for fellow ducks to hear. It could be a secret message for a new world order or simply what’s top of the charts in the duck world. But there’s never such a thing as a rushed duck unless there’s bread involved. They’re not particularly hunted apart from the Chinese and pillow stuffers, and I suppose they can prepare themselves fairly well. So I suppose it must be quite content to be a duck. Either that or I’m quackers.

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