Friday 21 June 2013

Crash and Burn

So it's Friday night, the sun is out, and all the weirdos are about! There's the smell of charcoal in the air as people settle for the traditional summer grill. There's ugly blokes with beer bellies sat in their cars waiting for their mates to come out. And there's idiotic boy racers zooming all over the place causing all sorts of chaos. What I once took to be a building of granny flats is now a racing HQ. They seem to be everywhere travelling at insane speeds only to have to slam on the brakes 100 yards later. And why the hell do thy have to play crap music at stupidly high levels? Are they compensating for something? It's a dead giveaway for when the fuzz go by; not that they're out en mass anyways. So I really hope they crash and burn once they've finished ramming their auto into the nearest lamppost. 

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