Sunday 9 June 2013

Make your own past

While visiting Norwich castle in April, I stumbled on an exhibition entitled The Seven Sorrows Of Mary. It sounded like an interesting title to write about at the time; and so I took a coupe of pictures of the plaque. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture  of the stained glass windows, so there is little hope in finding out what The Seven Sorrows are. So all that is presented is the fact that Christ fled to Egypt and was crucified shortly afterwards. So there is no reference whatsoever to what the sorrows actually are; there is only a reference to how the painting was commissioned and who painted it for whom. So from this enticing title; all we can actually follow is historical evidence of a painter rather than a story, which would have been much more interesting. And who said history is fun? Sometimes it's better to make it up yourself. 

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