Monday 1 July 2013

Back to the Stone Age...

I find it very odd that this year's pollen forecast is sponsored by a major pharmaceutical company. Not only is it harder to determine the pollen hotspots, it also raises the question of the reliability of data. They've got the perfect platform to market their products directly in front of the people who need the information the most. And they've got a great chance to manipulate the data too. Medical sales are hardly going to soar if the data is to predict a low pollen count. And yet it's the same information each day with no mention of facts and figures. Come to think of it, there's not even a date and time so there's a good chance that the site isn't even being updated. It makes life annoying when we rely on these agencies to gather data to help us make decisions then find they've outsourced the research to someone else for financial gain. The information becomes very questionable and unreliable. And there's no one else who is prepared to monitor the information for us. It's back to the stone age...

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