Monday 22 July 2013

Invasion of the Chiller Moths!

Moths are strange creatures. Usually we don’t think of them as terrifying creatures; that’s if we even notice them at all. But at this time of year, they’re all around us. It must be the heat that brings them out into the light. And the strange thing is that they’re really creepy. They only move in the corner of your eye, but it’s like a huge shadow has just passed you by. They may not seem frightening given their size; but they sure can get up to mischief. And they’re getting bolder. They really do enjoy relaxing on the ceiling; or even taking a seat. They’re not fast or don’t even bite; but they always have that drunken stutter when they fly. And when you try to chase a moth, the first thing it does is to fly straight into your blind spot right in front of you so that you lose track of where it goes. They've not yet eaten any of my clothes; they always seem in ecstasy as they try to get as close to the light as possible.   

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