Tuesday 23 July 2013

Is it worth the wait?

So we have a new baby boy to worship. Our proposed future future queen has given birth to a healthy baby boy, after being smuggled through the back of a hospital. Naturally, the world’s press have been camping outside the hospital for the whole day, anxious to hear the news and possibly get a glimpse of the little darling. But why the whole day? Why is it so important to keep everyone waiting the whole day? We don’t know what time the baby was born, or even if the baby was born. Has anyone seen him? Perhaps he wasn’t born at all, and there’s a conspiracy afoot to build a lifelike sleeping plastic doll. Or perhaps we’ll never see him. Perhaps the royals will finally take their revenge on the paparazzi and leave  the hospital in a gunship helicopter; never to be seen again. But all we have is a piece of paper on an easel outside Buckingham Palace.

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