Wednesday 24 July 2013

Scuba vision

Swimming underwater can be quite hard. I mean, aside from the oxygen thing, you also need to see where you’re going. It’s hard enough in a public pool when you've got something in front of you. How far away is the wall of the pool? Is that something coming towards you? Are you going to crash? You’d better resurface to see. With a scuba mask it’s crystal clear, but you need it airtight in order for the damn thing to work. Not that you’d see anything interesting in your local pool anyway – in fact you’re more likely to get a telling off for being a peeping tom. But in the sea it’s different. First of all; the water’s usually freezing anyway. Secondly, if you can brave it enough with a scuba mask; you then need a lot of equipment to avoid scratched feet and oxygen starvation. But if you get all three combined together, it must be amazing.

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